Homemade Bongs & Pipes: Part 2
The process of making an apple bong is very simple. It's not a great everyday smoking technique, but a cheap and easy way to smoke. It's also good if you're going to the beach or smoking in some other place where you have a high risk of being seen (because it's easy to dispose of).
You can use any number of hard fruits or vegetables for this. You can get creative and, and when you’re done tokin, you have some food for the munchies. ;)
1 Hard Fruit or vegetable ( I prefer apples)
1 Pen
1 Knife/key anything with a small sharp point.
Advantages: It holds your mix nicely and is easily disposed of and is biodegradable. If you are really hard up you may even want to eat it when finished. Also, apples, strawberries, cucumbers, celery, and many other choices will impart their own "flavor" to your smoke.
Disadvantages: Takes a little more practice to get right. It may rot before you are ready to give it up.
If you feel like eating the apple afterwards you might want to take the ink well out of the pen, otherwise, on the top of the apple, jam the pen in at a slight angle about halfway through the apple. Do this next to the core rather than having to make another hole through the hardest part of the apple.
If you have a knife (or key), you may want to core the apple. Be careful doing this. You don’t want to split the fruit. Also you only want to core the apple down to about ¾ of the way. If you core it all the way I find that the hole at the bottom is to big for a carb.Next up, poke a hole on the opposite side near the bottom or middle so that it meets up with the first hole you poked or the core you just made. Use the pen for this also
Using the same technique an inch or a little more from the top hole, jam a third hole that will meet up with your existing chamber system (the core you just made). This "carb" can be essentially anywhere on the apple, but you'll want it to be convenient to cover with a finger while you're lighting your mix.
Then carve out a bowl on the top of the apple where the first hole was drilled. Make it big enough to hold the material you want to smoke. This can be done by "eating" it essentially. The best way is to carefully gnaw away with one of your sharp teeth so that it's more precise, but you can also use a key or just about anything.
Happy tokin!
1 comment:
cho cho choooo...really good...if somebody wants to buy some bong, definitely you have to visit this site: http://www.water-bongs-glass-pipes.com/
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