Monday, October 1, 2007


Homemade Bongs & Pipes: Part 1

Ok fellow stoners. Here is one of my favorite methods for how to make a homemade bong.
I want to point out, some instructions on the net tell you to use aluminum foil (tin foil) for your bowl. DON'T DO THAT. You want to ensure that any piece that will or may come in contact with flame is metal. If will suck to be you. So, onto how to make a bong.

What You need:
  • A plastic coke bottle ( or any 2 liter bottle)
  • A small piece of piping - 5/10cm
  • A socket from a socket set that will fit in the end of the pipe
  • A knife
  • Optional: a screen. For this I suggest that you do purchase a real screen. Available at any smoke shop.
  1. Make a hole for the pipe about 1/3 way up bottle and insert pipe so pipe is bending down into the bottle.
  2. Put the socket in the end of the pipe outside the bottle
  3. Make a smaller hole in the bottle above the first hole
  4. Fill bottle with water so that pipe is in water, but water level does not reach the hole.
  5. See below.

Ok. The socket is where you put your mix (tobacco and your crumbled solid) and the second hole acts as an air-hole.
When you have filled the socket with your mix, you light the mix and suck through the bottle top while holding your finger over the air-hole.
To clear the bottle, either suck all the smoke out or take your finger off the air-hole and blow the smoke out.
So there you have it, a simple homemade bong. And now you know how to make a bong


Anonymous said...

I'd rather proven product by:

Andrew Kunkel said...

I have made hundreds of homemad bongs in my life and nothing quite beats a nice glass on glass bong. If you can afford to pony up the hundred or two dollars its totally worth it.

I found a few good online head shops at
headshop directory